Choose your display
The new AlphaScan 5900 can be connected to the AlphaScreen 19-inch and 26-inch proprietary displays. Both displays are completely new following the latest standards and are developed in line with minimalistic design approach.

Trackball, as minimum
A smart multi button found on the operating unit allows the operator to “turn and press” to access various functions such as zoom, display and brightness and track color. The function selected at that point is shown at the top center on the display.
The Central Control Unit (CCU) can be used for your basic interfacing and configuration. A wide range of standard interfacing is direclty available from this unit. The CCU includes two in-house designed Blizzard™ processors, bringing operational performance to a whole new level, especially for the complex tasks running flawlessly in the foreground and the background. Ready for years ahead.
Central control unit
The Central Control Unit (CCU) can be used for your basic interfacing and configuration. A wide range of standard interfacing is direclty available from this unit. The CCU includes two in-house designed Blizzard™ processors, bringing operational performance to a whole new level, especially for the complex tasks running flawlessly in the foreground and the background. Ready for years ahead.

Junction box
The AlphaScan 5900 includes the junction box and Radar Interface (RIF) as standard. Extending your system by extending the number of interfaces and ports can be done the moment you purchase your system or can be upgraded while at sea. Either way, the junction box with the ability to hold a variety of boards plays a central part.

Advanced proccessing
The AlphaScan 5900 includes the powerful Blizzard™ processor that features advanced signal processing and graphic drawings, regardless of which display you are using it delivers unprecedented performance – all around. So whether you are browsing through your alarm list, tracking 100+ ARPA and/or AIS targets, the AlphaScan 5900 with its Blizzard™ processing flies through the most complex tasks with incredible power and speed.
TT in the background
If you want to track a target, you will get a stable vector immediately. That is because that the detected target was already being tracked in the background. This applies for up to 100 potential targets tracked in the background up to as far as 32NM, in “near to far” order. Blizzard™ is always assisting you, even though you do not need it at that moment.
Radar in the background
The enormous processing capability of Blizzard™ allows superfast display of the radar picture, even outside the PPI. One range up and down from the range you currently have on display is being processed in the background, allowing for immediate response and display when range is changed. Seeing is believing.
Tracking zoom outside PPI
While being in shipping lanes or on busy open waters, it could happen that the target you are tracking is outside your visible area. Blizzard™ continues to track these targets many nautical miles outside the circle. Simply select a starting point and drag the cursor outside the PPI to track zoom on a separate window. And the tracking zoom continues to follow the target until you close the window.

The AlphaScan 5900 includes a wide range of scanners. X-band offers greater resolution and detection of smaller targets, but is subject to interference from rain and seas. S-band radar has a longer range and less interference from rain and sea clutter, but has less sensitivity for small targets. Available as a traditional magnetron type or solid state (S-band), low maintenance scanners, various scanner lengths and output power, normal or high speed, many variations are possible, to always have a solution at hand to fit your type of vessel. New in this radar series are the second generation Solid State S-band scanners, available in normal and high speed. This much more air shippable scanner it is smaller and lighter than the original 12ft scanner.