Joystick system
- Full control with one joystick
- Add-on to type-approved auto pilot
- Freedom of movement for optimal user experience
- Based on dynamic positioning technology

The DynaPilot is an add-on on the existing and already successful MFM autopilot that is already daily used at many vessels. This MFM autopilot is a type-approved modular heading or track control system (up to CAT-C) designed to fit ships, and vessels of any size including high speed crafts. With the DynaPilot add-on installed on board of the vessel, the officer on watch is then able to control his vessel with a joystick. Through years of experience in the dynamic positioning industry, engineers have integrated DP algorithms into the hardware of the DynaPilot system. These DP algorithms reduce the response time of the commands given by the control computer and control unit which are part of the DynaPilot system and will give a much better user experience. The DynaPilot is the game changer, making DP technology available for any seafarer.
The complete DynaPilot MFM system exists of a MED type approved MFM autopilot and a joystick, control computer and control unit. Standard number of control stations that can be connected to the Control unit is limited by 3 (e.g. one main bridge and two wing stations). The system can use the same sensors as the autopilot, the number of sensors and position reference systems that can connected in total is 8. Depending on the ship’s propulsion equipment, the installation can be provided with follow-up and non-follow-up tillers, and extra control displays on multiple steering positions.