Echo sounder

All-in-one system
The JFC-800/810 all-in-one echo sounder utilizes a rugged 10.4-inch bonded and sunlight viewable display, offering advanced filtering capabilities using digital signal processing technology to ultimately provide a clear image and allow for deeper sounding at higher frequencies.

The superior clutter suppression and signal to noise ratio and faster update rates allow for excellent performance in shallow water, while it also detects fish close to the bottom at depths not seen before with these high frequency transducers. The affordable 1 kW echo sounder equals or exceeds the performance of conventional sounders with 3x the power output.
The echo sounder is available in two models. The JFC-800 is the standard model and includes a cost effective transducer. The JFC-810 features a higher sensitivity transducer. The preferred transducer depends on target fish, fishing method, fishing area and usage.

The JFC-800/810 allows the operator to switch between English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Greek, Italian, Korean, Spanish and Thai.
Fishing hotspot
If you connect an external GPS you can easily mark fishing hotspots. This way you can easily navigate back to your favorite fishing sites or other previously saved positions.

Target sounds
Various functions for improving the catch result are integrated, as are sonar tones that identify what is happening under your vessel immediately with different sounds for fish and school of fish.

Zoom range
Operators can choose to zoom the image at any range in an easy way. After having selected the zoom image, the standard image is indicated on the right side while the zoomed image is indicated on the left part of the display. The echo of the fish is clearly enlarged at a specific depth, aiming for a profitable catch.

Auto function
No need for guessing with this echo sounder anymore. Even a novice operator can achieve professional results by letting the JFC-800/810 pick the most optimum settings for functions such as range, shift and time variable gain (TVG).