SYNTACS (Synapsis Tactical Command System) is an innovative software to enable effective Command and Control (C2), Situational Awareness (SA), or Mission Management systems. Through data correlation of all organic and external sensor information, SYNTACS provides a comprehensive dashboard for the operating picture on the bridge multifunctional workstations – in addition to or parallel to navigational capabilities.

SYNTACS can accommodate different modules, sensors and weapon systems appropriately for different missions and ship types – from Patrol Boats up to Combatants. SYNTACS offers significant advantages over less integrated approaches, which often only interface separate, non-integrated systems.
SYNTACS is available as a standalone mission management system but also as an integrated IMO-certified solution, that combines tactical SA/C2 capability with an Integrated Navigation System (INS). SYNTACS uses the standardized hardware and network infrastructure of the SYNAPSIS Integrated Navigation System, making it an affordable and highly cost-effective system with low lifecycle cost.
SYNTACS sets the standard for flexibility and cost-effectiveness – learn why!
The high system functionality of SYNTACS, in spite of overall cost-effectiveness, was achieved through consistent standardization and the use of commercial system components. The functional definition of the system is done by means of software. Individual applications such as command & control, fire control, radar, ECDIS, etc. can be operated and put up for display at every multifunctional display.
Thus the system can be expanded at any time with new features (software-apps, e.g. special tactical features such as data link and COP, station keeping, MCM capabilities or SAR module) or even completely redesigned for new mission profiles, without the hardware having to be modified.
The advantage of this hardware architecture with software-defined functionality for customers lies in both cost savings and a hitherto unknown flexibility. Thus, with this architecture, systems ranging from a one-console system for situational awareness at sea on up to a complex system for command & control, weapons control and navigation on OPVs and small corvettes can be realized.
SYNTACS has an unparalleled functional range
Through data correlation of all organic and external sensor information, SYNTACS provides a comprehensive dashboard for the operating picture on the bridge multifunctional workstations – in addition to or parallel to navigational capabilities. SYNTACS can accommodate different modules, sensors and weapon systems appropriately for different missions.
Depending on the individual system configuration, SYNTACS offers:
Consistent HMI and central change of colors/dimming
Customer defined HMI
Fully functional electro optical sensor integration
Freely movable sea chart representation
GEOTIF charts
Target classification possibilities
Track presentation based on MIL-STD-2525 or others
Track list and track history
Track filtering controls (range affiliation, source and alarm status)
Tools for tactical maneuvers, tactical intercept and heading-/speed recommendation
Sensor range and current alignment
Alarm zones, safety areas with freely configurable parameters
Track management and correlation capability
Common operating picture with all connected workstations onboard and ashore
Comprehensive Search and Rescue (SAR) functionalities
Intelligent alarm management throughout the entire system
Weapon alignment and status information
Fire Control Solutions for guns
SYNTACS offers a broad range of (optional) features:
Raytheon Anschütz also offers a wide range of navigational products for small and mid-sized naval vessels, proven under intensive use in commercial shipping and IMO type approved for high-speed operation.
These include radar transceivers and radar displays with a variety of military functions and situational awareness capabilities, ECDIS, classical and maintenance-free gyro compasses, inertial navigation platforms, and a versatile range of fuel-efficient autopilots and secure steering control systems.
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